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Antigravity Turkish Clip Point Automatic Switchblade Lever Lock Knife with Steel Handle


Product Information

This custom handmade lever lock knife is just stunning. The smooth polished steel handle draws the eye and holds it there. The inner framework is also composed of solid steel, giving the knife a classy look. Several pins hold the handle together, and are smoothed and contoured with the mounts for an overall flush appearance. The bolster and lever are constructed from pure brass with a sleek and stylish design. The spine has excellent file work that leads to the beautiful Damascus steel blade. In a Turkish Clip Point style with a gorgeous and unique wave pattern, this blade knocks it out of the park. What a catch! As if that isn’t enough to seal the deal, the best part hands down would have to be the automatic function that you can deploy using the free-falling lever. Just one push with your thumb and that’s all it takes for the blade to open lightning fast. Overall Length: 9 Inches, Blade Length: 4 Inches

Product Code: DLV2758SV











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